MANY dentists believe their CPA will uncover embezzlement.

The truth is, most CPA’s are unlikely to detect embezzlement in a dental practice; but it’s not their fault.

They were not hired to look for it.

When year end rolls around, most dentists engage their CPA to perform what is called a compilation engagement (sometimes referred to as “Notice to Reader”)

The CPA Compilation Engagement

This is the most common, and least expensive, CPA reporting package performed for dentists.

A compilation is the most basic accounting service and provides no assurance.

A compilation engagement the lowest cost reporting package where the CPA simply “compiles financial statements” from the information provided by the dentist or the dentist’s bookkeeper.

Sometimes, a CPA will ask for a report of accounts receivable printed from the dentist’s practice management software, but they don’t examine it for fraud.

The CPA Review Engagement

A review engagement provides a low level of assurance.

A review engagement provides a base level of assurance from the CPA.

The CPA will perform various analytical procedures, have discussions with the dentist and review the the financial statements to determine if the figures presented are plausible.

The CPA Audit Engagement

An audit provides reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatements

Audit engagements are usually conducted at the request a third party (banks, investors)

While the review engagement ascertains whether the financial statements are plausible or believable, the audit engagement provides “reasonable” assurance that the financial statements do not contain material misstatements and were prepared in accordance with the proper accounting procedures.

A Fraud Examination

A fraud examination provides a high level of assurance.

A fraud examination is performed to resolve allegations of fraud based on the presence of behavioral red-flags, patient complaints, accounting red-flags or other clues.

Unlike the CPA’s financial statement preparation, which often follows a linear path; a fraud examination does not follow a checklist.

Fraud examiners can adapt their workflow around messy and complex situations to develop investigations that are unique to their client.

DIGITAL Forensics AND AuditS

A forensic audit provides the highest level of assurance

A digital forensic audit engagement is often performed anticipation of litigation and includes a fraud examination as well as other investigative procedures.

Common techniques used for collecting evidence in a forensic audit include the following:

  • Substantive techniques – doing a reconciliation, review of documents, etc
  • Analytical procedures – compare trends over time or comparative data from different segments
  • Computer-assisted audit techniques – computer software programs that can be used to identify fraud
  • Internal control testing to understand the loopholes which allowed the fraud to be perpetrated.

Digital Forensics Meets Digital Dentistry

Digital forensics can discover who did what, and when on a dental computer,..

Want to know more?

Do you have questions about Fraud Examinations or Forensic Audits?
Give me a call.
William Hiltz BSc MBA CET